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How do you write a good store review?

How do you write a good store review?

It is not difficult at all to write a store review and that is why many consumers do so. However, a good store review that is useful for both the retailer/webshop and the consumer requires you to think a bit more about what and how you write it. A review that is as complete as possible and which is really based on your own experiences is the most useful, while you also want everyone who reads your review to understand it. How do you write a good store review? In this blog, we will answer this question in detail.

How useful is a store review?

A store review can be extremely helpful for both the retailer and consumers who plan to order from a particular store or web store. With your experiences, you inform consumers about how good your experience with the retailer was and based on that information, customers can consider whether or not to order a product from a particular store. For a retailer, a review is just as important. Even if it is moderately positive or even negative. With the constructive feedback they receive, they can continue to optimize their services and offer a better shopping experience for future customers.

How many reviews are representative?

As a rule, a store review says how reliable a retailer is and whether everything goes according to plan when you order something. However, you should still be careful, because a high score based on only a few reviews is less reliable than a high score based on hundreds or even thousands of reviews. So the number of reviews also says something about a company. In addition, it is also important to watch out for organizations that only have positive reviews, because no company can score 100%. When no negative reviews are displayed, you can ask yourself what the company has to hide.

What do you put in a store review?

In a store review, you state things like how quickly and neatly an order was delivered, whether you could use the website easily and how easy or difficult it was to order something and of course, you also mention how the contact with the retailer has been, if applicable. It is important to write mainly from your own experiences and not to be guided by what others say about the retailer. In addition, it is important to be short and concise in a review. You can be detailed, but keep in mind that large chunks of text are hardly read. Customers prefer to read reviews that are clear and straightforward.

Always be polite and honest

It makes sense to be polite and honest in your review, but that is not the case for everyone. The internet is sometimes used as a dumping ground for the most horrible swear words, because people think they cannot be identified anyway. In that respect, posting a review online is readily accessible. Nevertheless, a consumer or retailer has nothing to gain from a complaint from a disgruntled user. Unless the user substantiates it well, is correct and honest. In that case, we are talking about constructive feedback that benefits everyone. In addition, it is also very important not to be driven by gifts and incentives that you can win when you post a review. Many consumers then almost feel obliged to be positive.

Positive and negative

You can always say something positive and negative about your experiences with a store or a webshop and it is also fine to discuss both these positive and negative experiences in your review. As an example: “The order went quickly and my package arrived within a day. Unfortunately, the box was seriously damaged. But after contacting the store I was given a voucher for free shipping on my next order for the inconvenience.” This is a good example of both a positive and a negative experience that fits well into a review.

Do not mention names or links to websites

When you want to write a good store review, don't use the names of the employees you have spoken to. Although you may be very pleased with someone's field of expertise. The moment you mention names, you are violating privacy and that is not allowed by law. You can say that the employee has helped you very well. Posting links to websites is also inappropriate. Links are quickly seen as advertising and you want to avoid that when you write a review. After all, it's about your experiences.

Don't confuse stores and webshops

It makes sense to post your review to the right company. It happens more often than you think that someone places their review with the wrong shop. This can give a very distorted picture of how good, average or bad a webshop is. So make sure you are reviewing the right store. Everyone benefits from that.

Check before you publish

When emotions run high, you can put things on paper that you don't mean or that you exaggerate. If you're very happy with the service and happy with your order, you may be over-excited. That's not a bad thing, but it's not really an honest review. That's why it's good to read your review once or twice before publishing it. Firstly, to check if what you have written is the truth and, secondly, to correct any spelling mistakes.

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